Distribution of gas cogeneration and gas air-conditioning systems TECNOCASA TECNO CASA
Design, installation, maintenance and running of technological plants for the management, use and control of liquid and gas fluids such as: plumbing, fire-fighting, conditioning and gas systems TECNOIMPIANTI FABRIANO
Design, assembling, installation and maintenance of: civil and industrial electrical, electromechanical and telephone systems; plants for the transformation of mv-lv and electrical energy distribution; traffic signs and safety signals SIEM
Engineering company specialised in: designing and management of work for technological systems, energy saving, occupational hygiene and safety, authorizations and environment surveys, designing of sound solutions for companies and public bodies SIGEA
Water Treatment, Global Services, Environmental Services, Waste Management, Engineering Services, Research & Development, Training SIMAM
Switchboards and electrical systems, electrical and electronic applications for industrial automation, IT for production process management SIMET
Design, construction, installation, maintenance and upgrading of lifting & transport systems: elevators, hoists of all kinds, minielevators, servoladder elevators, escalators. Full versions of electrical systems & supporting metal structures SAMIS GABRIELLI ASCENSORI
Installation and maintenance of water/thermal/sanitary/electric/conditioning/steam systems. Tinsmith. Plastic working. Remote heating network. Fire-prevention systems. Gas medical systems. High energy efficiency systems. Cogeneration and trigeneratio SPILT
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Confindustria Ancona rappresenta il sistema industriale della provincia di Ancona, espressione di un tessuto produttivo locale tra i più dinamici del Centro Italia.